One of the most important differences is personality and atmosphere. You are going to get a great workout in a clean, fun, friendly facility by people who have experience and/or degrees in fitness.
Our focus is on activities of daily living and field performance, not so much gym performance. Crossfit is looking at what Gym Jones calls, “the sport of fitness” they are looking at gym numbers and exercises as a key component of their programs. At Uncommon Athlete we look at health and fitness for the everyday person. We understand what people do in their daily lives and this helps us change, modify, and improve our programs as we grow and progress.
Durability and mobility are a part of a detailed/intense warm up and recovery at UA. We also, at times, work these key components of fitness into our workouts.
Aspect of programming: At UA we work a flowing periodization process (there is a method to the madness) and it runs in cycles. We know not everyone is built the same nor at the same level of fitness, so we work these aspects on different days each week to create muscle confusion and also allow for recovery. Strength, Stamina, Endurance, Work Capacity, Overload, Mobility, Durability as well as Recovery are all part of our programming and completely scalable.

At UA we feel that core strength and training is one of the most important parts of our fitness model. A strong core makes everything in life easier and makes you more healthy overall.
We believe in good healthy competition and we create an environment that develops that. However, not everything is for a Personal Record (PR) or time at a prescribed weight. Although we do have workouts or exercises that are for time, we also have them for grind not time or as fast as possible or a difficult but doable effort. All of these are prescribed as part of the work effort in order to increase work capacity, build cardio endurance, along with muscular strength.
These are just a few things that make Uncommon Athlete different from CrossFit. Come see for yourself, Cross Over and be Uncommon with us!